Wednesday 14 March 2018

Tips for today's Teens - Questions and Curiousities

tips for teens
These are some tips that you might wanna know, if you are a teenager

  1. Don't work hard, work smart.
  2. In chess, use horses, it works better than any other piece.
  3. Work your tail off, use your energy before you lose it.
  4. Don't read a lot, read Canons, they are not there for nothing.
  5. Be ironic in dealing with yourself, it helps you to not hate yourself.
  6. Your friends are your army, take care of them.
  7. Your family is priority, your work, then your friends.
  8. Time is precious, your life is a group of seconds, remember that always.
  9. In your life, your war is to win yourself.
  10. It's natural thing to lose, but don't use losing, if you did, it would be one of your characteristics, you will become loser .
  11. If you became loser, you will lose yourself.Few lessons I learnt in 2017,
  12. your career over your virtual life activities like Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  13. understand that helping people financially won't make you poor.
  14. learn how to fake a smile.
  15. Learn how to control your emotions. Eat your emotions like you would eat a BURGER.
  16. learn how to ignore negativity.
  17. Learn to say 'NO'.
  18. Stop reacting to every action.
  19. understand that it is only you who can help you to change your condition.
  20. stop comparing yourself with others. Your creator already made you awesome.
  21. expect less from people, give more than it's expected..
  22. avoid a unhealthy relationship.
  23. understand that Family comes first.
  24. quality over quantity.
  25. use Quora for learning and not for being famous.
  26. understand that you have to take some responsibility on behalf of your family.
  27. decrease your ego and increase you self esteem.
  28. understand that life is not all about yourself. Sometimes you have to live for others.
  29. Remember point number 9.

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