Wednesday 14 March 2018

How do I stay motivated for studying every day?

I used to be a student who was never motivated.
Everyday I went to University because I didn't know what else to do.
This is called living passively. Not having a purpose or a goal.
This caused me to dread university from the moment I woke up each day. Not a nice way to live, and not a good way to be successful at university!
The end result after 3 years of dragging myself out of bed was failure.
Here is my beautiful transcript…
As a student, it wasn’t fun when my friends and family asked me: “Avi, how did your exams go?”
I wanted to run away from everything.

Over that summer break I spent a lot of time re-evaluating my decision to study, and what I wanted to do with my life. Or at least what I thought I wanted to do with it at the time.
Failure had scared me a lot, those feelings of regret and embarrassment burned into my brain.
I realized that if I wanted to get a good job as an engineer then I had to finish my degree.
I had no choice. I needed that degree to get the job I wanted. The “ticket” to my future career and the start of the life I wanted to live.
That degree finally had a real purpose to me. It became my goal to get to where I wanted.
All I had to do now was take action!
So I decided to transfer universities and cross credit - A fresh start for a new me.
Every day from then on, I knew why I was waking up early in the morning.
I was more motivated to get out of a warm bed in winter.
I was more motivated to spend those weekends finishing off an assignment.
I was more motivated to ask questions in class when I didn’t understand.
I was more motivated to study while my friends were out partying.
After all, I now had a purpose. And I reminded myself of that purpose every day.
For the next two years, ‘finish my degree and get the job I want’, never left my mind.
‘what do I need to do this year, this week, today to achieve it?’
Two years later, I graduated top of my class. And moved on to start the life I wanted to live. I even managed to redeem my transcript a little…
The best way to stay motivated to study every day is to have a real purpose and goals to achieve.

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