Tuesday 27 March 2018

How can You Change Your Life in Six Months? - Questions and Curiosities

changing life for good

The first step that you can take to change your life for good is to quit putting a timeline on personal development.
Forget trying to change your life in 6 months.
Instead, commit to constant personal growth and improvement so that you are changing your life every single day.
You asked what you could do to change your life in 6 months so I’ll play along.
I’ve interviewed more than 400 highly successful experts, entrepreneurs, authors, and thought leaders over the past 5 years and I noticed that there were a handful of patterns and habits they all used to achieve success.
Here is your six month battle plan for changing your life and achieving your dreams.
Phase 1: Lay The Foundations (Month 1)
phase one of changing life in six months
During the first phase of this “Life Makeover Program” you are going to go back to the basics.
For the first month you aren’t going to worry about increasing your income, meeting attractive women/men, or doing anything except working on yourself.
Specifically, you are going to:
  1. Begin exercising every day: Exercise has far reaching benefits that will positively impact every area of your life. For now, simply find a way to get active for 30–60 minutes a day. We’ll worry about “Training” later.
  2. Start sleeping 8–9 hours a night: Most American’s are chronically sleep deprived and it’s costing the country more than $400 billion in lost productivity each year. Start sleeping 8–9 hours a night and your entire life will change.
  3. Reading a personal development book for 30–60 minutes a day: Leaders are readers. The more actionable information you have in your personal development arsenal, the more effective this program will be. Pick a few books from this list and start reading for at least 30 minutes a day.
  4. Journal for 15 minutes a day: Changing your life requires massive levels of self awareness and picking up a journal every day is the best way to cultivate this awareness. Spend 15 minutes a day writing down your thoughts and challenges.
  5. Starting each morning by expressing gratitude: Gratitude can literally rewire your brain and make you a more positive person. For the first 30 days, it’s imperative that you take a few minutes to write down and reflect upon 5–10 things you’re grateful for.
That’s it.
By implementing these 5 simple steps, you will gain greater mental clarity, physical vitality, and spiritual inspiration.
After 30 days of following these habits, you are ready for phase 2.
Phase 2: Acceleration (Months 2–3)
phase two of changing life in few months
With the foundations in place, it’s time to begin tackling some of the more difficult and important areas of life like finances, relationships, and career.
Here’s how:
  1. Eliminate Processed Foods from Your Diet: Most people underestimate the impact that their diet plays on their lifestyle and well being. If you are consuming sugar, processed foods, and other crap, your body and brain cannot function at peak levels. For phase 2 of this program you will cut out (almost) all processed foods from your diet. It’s ok to cheat once or twice a week but be sure 80% of your calories come from healthy whole foods.
  2. Start training with weights 3 times a week: Although all physical exercise is good for you, weigh training has some very specific benefits that simply aren’t attainable any other way. Find a program that you like and believe you can stick to and start training in the gym at least 3 times a week.
  3. Begin doing yoga weekly: Most people who begin training with weights dramatically under develop their mobility. By incorporating 2–3 yoga sessions in your week, you will increase your mind-body connection, reduce stress and anxiety, and prevent injury.
  4. Pick a Skill and Begin Mastering It: In order to transform your life, you must become more valuable to the marketplace and the world. In order to do this, you need to master a specific set of skills that bring you personal satisfaction and joy. Pick a skill that you enjoy like copywriting, marketing, web design, finance, consulting etc. and commit to mastering it. Schedule at least 2 hours a day of intentional time to build this skill (this is important for phase 3).
  5. Solidify your morning routine: If you want to own the day, start by owning your mornings. Using the habits you’ve already begun to cultivate, create and solidify an empowering morning routine that makes you feel alive and excited to take on the day.
  6. Invest in an advanced program or a coach: At this point you’ve developed a consistent personal growth habit and it’s important to build on it. If you feel that you’re ready, this is a perfect time to invest in an advanced personal growth program like Tony Robbin’s Ultimate Edge, Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy or something similar. Alternatively, if you have the money to do so, you can hire a high performance coach to help you accelerate your results, gain crystal clear clarity, and reach the next level in your personal and professional development.
  7. Increase your productivity at work: Whether you are an entrepreneur or employee, transforming your life requires that you learn how to get more done. Luckily, this isn’t all that difficult. If you’ve started sleeping more, exercising daily, and eating better you will have already improved your productivity significantly. In addition to these tactics, I recommend using the Pomodoro Method (working in short chunks of time then taking breaks), doing your hardest tasks first thing in the day, and eliminating work that isn’t absolutely necessary. I’ve put together a massive guide on productivity if you want a deep dive that will help you accelerate your results and get more done.
  8. Get social: An important part of transforming your life is transforming who you associate with and expanding your network. Start dedicating 1–2 nights a week to social events. Go to meetups, attend local networking events, take a mentor out to dinner. Do whatever you need to do to expand your sphere of influence and improve your network.
Phase 3: The Finale (Months 4–6)
phase three and last phase of changing life in six months
Now that you have successfully laid the foundations and built a solid set of habits and skill sets, it’s time to accelerate things even further to achieve total transformation.
  1. Use Your Skill to Start a Side Hustle: If you’ve been devoting 2–3 hours a day to a new skill like we discussed in phase 2, then you are ready to start down the path to financial freedom and build a side hustle. Use this new skill to start a freelancing/service based business where you can earn a second stream of income and eventually have the option to quit your current job (if you want)
  2. Begin Hosting Your Own Networking Events: Now that you’ve grown your social circle you can begin to host networking events of your own. This will allow you to become the connector and the “Go to” person in your area, opening up countless business, investment, and even romantic opportunities.
  3. Sign Up for a Physical Competition: Once you’ve started to build your body and become more physically capable, it’s time to push yourself and sign up for a competition. Whether it’s a crossfit competition, a strong man event, or even a martial art, competing in a physical activity does some amazing things for your brain and psyche and gives you a reason to continue training.
  4. Attend a Live Seminar or Event: If you’ve invested in a coach or training program, you are probably ready for the next phase of your personal development journey, a live event. If you go to the right event (I recommend Tony Robbin’s UPW) you will have an incredible weekend like you’ve never experienced. You’ll have a chance to grow, expand your mind, and improve yourself in a group environment and you will come away a different person.
  5. Commit to the Journey: Once the six month reboot concludes, your journey is just getting started. There is plenty more to do, experience, and achieve in this lifetime and this 6 month program is just the beginning. Commit to constant improvement and realize that life is not a journey. It’s a dance. So enjoy every moment and movement of this incredible experience and don’t waste the opportunity.
Hope this helps.
Now go out there and transform yourself.

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